“Everyone wants innovation in their organization; it drives growth and revenues, promotes cultural change, and moves society forward. We often forget, however, that meaningful innovation efforts can have a disruptive side.
Namely, some people’s ideas will win, and those of others will lose. That’s because innovation requires allocation and deployment of organizational resources, often significant amounts, without definitive proof of future returns. This ambiguity allows politics to enter into the choice process, as people attempt to influence decision-makers toward favoring innovations that advance their individual interests.
The good news is that those interested in promoting innovation can use these politics to work for them” – read the rest of the article in Harvard Business Review linked here to find out how to…
- Anticipate Resistance
- Unmask Political Motives
- Find the Right Champion
- Secure Social Proof
Plus, working with our AgiLeanIT Team, you will get the information needed to better explain the need for the changes you foresee as important for your organization.
Get in touch with us today, we’d like to find out more about your innovation initiatives.